Letter To My Readers....

An update for you all on a few things.
Demon Dark….
Book Three of the Rae Wilder novels (Demon Dark) is delayed by a month.

The delay came because I quit my job in June, thinking I had enough time to sort everything out that I needed to by September. However, I ended up agreeing to work in my old job for an additional 3 months. I tried to cram everything “bookish” outside my normal working hours, but despite working as hard as I could, I did not make it *sad face*.

This impacted everything, a nasty ripple of delays across the board. Die My Love was released two weeks late, book reviews were posted late, all my planned posting was rearranged into bizarre chaos. I’m still trying to streamline and adjust to my new life which after 5 years of routine has turned upside down, so bear with me. 

Things get delayed all the time, and I’m now realizing it’s so hard to catch up! No wonder TFL (British tube/rail company) is always in such a mess.

Anyway, I get so wrapped up in what I'm doing I honestly forget that people are quite literally checking everyday and waiting for my stuff to come out. So, I'm off focusing on a story (this is always the main reason behind my social media quietness) and people are tearing their hair out over where my books are. 

I've noticed a few comments about who “looks after” my fans. Nobody does but me, and the lovely darlings that you are, you'll email me, tweet me, Facebook me, Goodreads messages, etc, and I have to respond to you all (because that is what you have grown used to from me). That takes a lot of time out of all the work I have scheduled. It’s a painfully slow crawl in my responses until my time is freer, and I can dedicate decent periods of time to talk with you all (I genuinely enjoy doing so). 

I am NOT saying “don’t write me.” Not at all. I love it, and those I do manage to respond to know this. Just do be aware that if I don’t respond to ALL of you, it’s because I’m working so you guys have more stuff to read!

My Website….
My bare domain names are not working (PenelopeFletcher.com/PenelopeFletcher.co.uk). U
ntil I work out why you have to type in the “WWW(dot)” before the names in the navigation bar to get onto my website (I think I've worked out why, so that issue will be fixed in the next 72 hours, I hope). 

For example;
This will work: www.penelopefletcher.com or 
This won't work: penelopefletcher.com or penelopefletcher.co.uk

A few of you eagle eyed fans noticed it's not working, and since my daily hits have nose dived it's a bigger issue than I first realized, but I'm on it now.

In closing….
To those who have been flitting from pillar to post over the last few weeks looking for me, I do apologize. I have been in book writing mode, and when I do this everything I am goes into it. In fact, I generally communicate with my friends and family in grunts, clicks, and hand signals.

For your info, once I announce a new release the distribution pattern goes like this:

Day of release: Available from Smashwords immediately 
Available from My eStore immediately 
48 hours later Kindle
7 days later iBooks
14 days later Sony
21 days later Nook
4 weeks later Diesel

I have no control over that element of distribution, just when I upload. 
And remember, I don't have anybody to look after my social accounts I do it all myself. If you haven't heard from me in a while there is a good reason. When the ebook does start hitting all the eStores I will tweet and update the website, Facebook, and send out a newsletter with coupons for a discounted copy, etc. 

In the meantime….
Here is a coupon to get Die, My Love free from my website (if you haven't read it yet). Just visit www.PenelopeFletcher.com, click on the red "STORE" tab in the top left hand corner, add the eBook to your basket, checkout.... Add the below coupon code and click "Apply" to get the book free (your total should then show as £0.00/$0.00). Any paid transactions are done securely via PayPal (so you don't share your financial data). The eBook files are then automatically emailed to you for loading onto your eReading device. 

Die, My Love
Promotional price: Free
Coupon Code: DMLFREE
Expires: 31st October 2011

If you've read all my books, may I suggest one of these currently free reads by other leading indie authors to hold you up until then (I've read them all and they are good).

The Gathering by Victorine Lieske (NYT Bestselling Author)
Katie’s Hellion by Lizzy Ford 
Unicorn Bait by S A Hunter
Moon Dance by J.R Rain




  1. Thank you for keeping us all updated, I've just added you to google+ so should see a bit more of you lol

    Keep calm and get those fingers clicking, Hugs sent :)

  2. Twigletpixie3.10.11

    Don't worry!
    We may impatiently await your releases.....but that's what we will do....wait!
    I know the wait will be worth it!!
    Good luck! :-)

  3. I'm getting an error and it says the coupon code is expired. :((

  4. @Lady Reader Very odd. I'm seeing orders fulfilled for others using the same code. Hmm. I've sent you an email instead. P

  5. I was sent an email stating its for an Ebook, keep for records no link to the download.

    Thanks Kathi T

  6. @vamprisskat/Kathi: You will get two emails. One confirming the order, and the second will contain a download link. Let me know if you still have a problem. P

  7. Hai. will demon dark be available for free anytime soon?
    love the books,just read die my love. great stuff. :)

