A Hair Raising Review:
"I liked what I DID read, but not enough to finish it. I've read all of Penelope's other books and I knew I'd love this, but I didn't. How the book was told was really boring, I understand that it was her thoughts and that's fine, but I'd like some more dialogue. It was driving me INSANE after the second chapter but I pushed on when I was about 50% done I really just couldn't finish it. Maybe I'll finish it later, it wasn;t bad by any means just slowwwww and boring. In my opinion." (3 Stars Kindle US)
A Happy Times Review:
"I really enjoyed this book. It's a little different take on the vampire thing and I like it! I love how it's told through Lee(and what's in her head) and she's an awesome character--I was cracking up at all the stuff she was thinking. It's what would be going through your mind; a lot of the stuff you don't say out loud. It's a great story and perfect set up for the next book. Can't wait, it should be good!!" ( 5 stars Kindle US)
Sooo.... 15 days later I'm announcing the release of Die, My Love, my paranormal romance, which falls into the Beautiful Damned collection. It comes in at 62,000 words. It was brought in at an introductory $0.99, but $2.99 is where it will sit. It’s written in first person present tense and uses S-o-C heavily. If inner monologue bores rather than intrigues you, give it a miss.
iBooks UK> Romance > #1 (Overall #26) for 2 days! Romance is such a cut-throat category so this made me beam with delight.
Nook> Top 700
Kindle UK > Top 2,000
Kindle US > Top 10,000
No promotion goes into these. For my readership to be still be growing at a steady pace is positive. Lunar Light did 150 sales on Kindle in its debut month (March). Die, My Love is nearing 200 on Kindle (1 Deutschland sale, get in there!) and August is a painful month sales wise. Nook/iBook figures will be significantly higher. My readership is definitely growing for these books.
I admit I’m nervous about the reception the book will get when more reviews start coming in. Really nervous. I’ve seen books with a similar narration style get ripped the sh*it out of, but there is nothing to be done. It is what it is. I’ve written the blurb close to the style of the writing to try and give a smoke signal to people before they decide to buy it.